Author Guidelines

Writing Guideline
MARCAPADA: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan

Marcapada publishes two types of articles:

  1. Research Article. Research articles that have never been published before. This type of article can be classified as the original research result article and according to the focus and scope. The maximum article limit is 7000 words, excluding abstracts and references (see template).
  2. Policy Forum. A policy forum is a paper that raises issues of agrarian and land policy provided to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to write plans, designs, proposals on policies or ideas in the public interest. This paper was proposed by enthusiasts and researchers who have long been involved in agrarian and land policy issues. This section is also addressed to practitioners who have specific insights and experience on innovation, technology, design, and policy implementation. The length of the paper policy forum is about 2,000-3,500 words. All submitted papers must go through a peer-review process (see template).

Guidelines for writing Research Articles in the journal Marcapada as follows:

  1. Manuscript is an original scientific work (no plagiarism) and has never been published or is in the process of being published by other media, in the form of research results;
  2. Jurnal Marcapada publishes articles of research, study, and thinking in the field of land policy including Land use, Land Value Assessment, Land Tenure, Land Development. All issues focus on the process of the birth of a policy ranging from Formation, Implementation, and Evaluation;
  3. The manuscript must be in accordance with the style of the arch and the Template of Marcapada Journal;
  4. The author must submit a manuscript that reviews actual themes within the scope of the Journal of Land Policy, showing the sharpness of the analysis, the update of references;
  5. The manuscript can be in Indonesian or in English;
  6. Marcapada's systematic text uses the IMRAD model (Introduction, Methods, Result, and Discussion), with the following details:
    • Title (concise, clear, and representative of the content of the article);
    • Author's name (without academic degree), affiliation, and e-mail correspondence;
    • Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Abstract length is about 150-275 words;
    • Keywords, between 3-5 words;
    • Introduction;
    • Methods and Materials. This section describes the materials used in research and the steps followed in the conduct of research. Brief reasons for the methods used are also stated so that the reader can evaluate the suitability of the method, reliability, and validity of the results;
    • Results and Discussions (can be given their own title in accordance with the purpose of the research). Authors are allowed to create titles in accordance with the content of the findings, but still display the results of the study. The results are displayed according to the number of findings. The second part (discussion) begins with the delivery of a short dialogue and discussion with a comparison with previous studies. Then continued with the analysis and discussion of field data findings;
    • Conclusions, presented briefly, at least answer the problems and objectives in the study;
    • Recommendations (optional). The content of the suggestion should be in line with the discussion, not the general advice beyond those already discussed;
    • Acknowledgment, mention if there are parties/people who contribute to the writing of articles such as mentoring the implementation of research or research sponsorship;
    • Bibliography (only) contains sources referenced in the manuscript, at least reference 20 with 80% of reputable journals in the last 10 years. The referral system uses APA style citation edition 6/7, using Mendeley application;
    • The manuscript is written in the template provided with A4 size paper, using Calibri font letter 12, space 1.25.
    • The manuscript was sent through OJS.